I also have a weird mouse issue where every time I start the game, it enabled mouse acceleration for some reason, have to tab out and remove it in windows settings (on win 7).Įven with pistols only at trained and no mods, I could get pin perfect accuracy. Well played!) Or maybe nsf thugs are just easy? Did die once while taking screenshots, and once by alerting enemy and hiding behind corner (to which the enemy turned the corner, pistol whipped me away and made me whiff my swing, and then killed me. I should probably bump it up to realistic and restart (maybe one enemy in ten managed to loose a shot while I was just berserk charging right at them). Playing on hard and mostly using the crowbar I found it too easy by far.
Poor lighting on this one but why is this flimsy looking box by unatco hq have infinite strength? Breaks muh immershun.
Vanilla bug, but I thought gmdx was supposed to fix? I managed to blow the lid while shooting a rocket on the other side of the wall while trying to hit the bot. This is the box in the small house by the nsf bot. Was the game always this zoomed out in convos? This might actually be my first time playing with widescreen, so could just be that, and it's not that bad it just looks very weird to me.